So, on the way home from the gym tonight (45 minutes on the Summit Trainer and some free weights), I stopped at Stop and Shop for a few extra ingredients.
Tonight's shopping list:
- 1 package "Carb Balance" tortillas (these taste just as goods as your regular tortillas but are only 2 points plus each, versus 4-6 points, depending on the brand)
- 1 bag of Tostito chips (which I didn't even end up opening...I compared the regular and the multigrain, they're the same point plus value, but the multigrain are more expensive...)
- 1 small tub of Light sour cream
- 1 head of Boston Lettuce (I usually don't buy Boston Lettuce, but it was delicious)
- 1 pkg of Skinny Cow garlic and herb cheese (for me - so good, not for tacos)
- 1 loaf of potato bread (for lunches, not for tacos)
- 1 bag of Cape Cod 40% reduced fat Salt and Vinegar chips (Scott's request, once again not for the tacos)
At home, I already had the ground turkey (93% lean), taco seasoning, black beans, brown rice, tomatoes, scallions, and olives.
The method (super easy, by the way)
Get the rice on the stove first, as it takes the longest (2 servings - 1/2 cup rice and 1 1/3 cup water, boil and then reduce for 30 minutes).
Open the can of black beans, heat on the stove. I didn't drain and rinse...I just put the entire can in.
Brown up the ground Turkey, once it's browned, drain it (there was hardly any fat to drain), put back on the stove, add 3/4 cup of water and some taco seasoning (didn't put the whole package, because I find it to be too strong). Once it gets thick, lower the heat to keep it warm.
Clean and chop the lettuce, tomato, olives, and scallions
Seriously, that's it. I set everything up on the counter in a "helpy selfy" (As my mother would say) manner, and there you have it!

Total time to cook dinner: 30 minutes...(Literally a 30 minutes meal. The rice took the longest to cook). Total Points Plus for the taco pictured above: 6. And, I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow!!!!! How awesome is that??
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