Thursday, May 24, 2012

A new Beginning

As you can see, I've made a few changes.  And some are still in the works.

While I loved the name "Quahog Tales," I really felt like the name of the blog wasn't representative of me and what I've been writing about.  While my original intention was to write about RI, the truth is really that I'm only from RI, and I haven't written a single thing about the state or our traditions.  And as I mentioned yesterday, we're moving out of RI at some point over the summer.

While I have been writing about a collection of different things, I decided to go with Camille's Collections for my blog title.  In reality, I write about tons of different things - baking, cooking, movies, my new house (and all the wallpaper that came with it), etc.  So while I'm writing about a collection of different things, my blog should be representative of that (with a little Rhode Island flair, of course).  

I received a number of different ideas about what my blog name could be.  I loved the idea of incorporating my name into different words like Camillections (combination of Camille and Collections) or Camilleon (a play on the word Chameleon, obviously using my name, but meaning that I'm changing and evolving with different opportunities in life).  But in the end, I decided to just go with the straight and narrow.

So please bear with me while I update some things - My awesome cousin Carolyn is helping me with a new image, and I can't wait for the big reveal!!!

So be patient, and keep reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww...I liked Quahog Tales so much!!! But I get your point! It makes sense! I liked Camille's Collections as well!

    I can't wait for the big reveal either!!!!!!! :-)

